先日話し合われた Forum の中で、
The main focus areas will be:
1. Immunization - address vaccine preventable diseases
2. Maternal and newborn care
- skilled deliveries, new born care and family planning
3. HIV infection prevention strategies - PMTCT, HTC, VMMC
4. Malaria prevention - IRS, LLITN use, IPT use
5. Safe water and enviromental sanitation
- HH water treatment, latrine use,
local government collaboration onsolid waste disposal
6. Community strategy scale up
- promote community ownership of theirown health status and interventions.
7. Surveillance
- active case search (TB, AFP, NNT, measles),
improved reporting and use of date, emergency preparedness
8. Health service Quality improvement
- Hospitals and rural facilities, feedback systems strengthened.
Maternal care にも力を入れていることが伺えます。
Asante sana!!!